Scholars of Color- Priyanka Villanassery

Scholars of Color- Priyanka Villanassery

What is Scholars of Color?

It is a platform in which scholars of color are purposefully celebrated. It’s a space where scholars of color are showcased front and center. It is a digital space where we feel empowered and resilient. Let us get to know each other. Let us cheer each other on AND show the world what we have to offer.

Let us now welcome Priyanka Villanassery to the Scholars of Color space!


Name: Priyanka Villanassery

Location:  Arizona

Gender Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

What's your current occupation? (i.e. Student, Scientist, Coach, In transition, etc.): Physical Therapist

Without positions or titles, how would you describe yourself?: I am someone who has learned how to use movement to expand my mind, specifically with my mental health. I suffered for years from anxiety and depression. However, through physical therapy and my own general curiosity, I have been able to learn a lot of new movements and exercises that can quickly relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Movement really saved me in a lot of ways and I am forever grateful to it. I desire to show others how movement can be used easily in their lives to create peace and contentment in their bodies and minds.

What are you passionate about?: Movement and Mental Health, I saw a gap in mental health care when treating patients in physical therapy. At times, it felt like everyone was getting through their day and there were just so many patients to be seen. Also, there was not really an aspect of our curriculum in physical therapy school that was dedicated to understanding mental health care and the psychological mind even though a lot of what we do taps into us as clinicians understanding why someone behaves the way they do and then integrating that information to help our patients understand why a change would benefit them. I am so passionate about helping people create new identities that THEY desire to create, not because someone else told them to. Additionally, movement in general will always be a passion of mine. It consistently brings me back to my soul and creates feelings of calm and ease (maybe not during my workouts, but after them for sure haha!).

What does the representation of Scholars of Color mean to you?: It means the ability to easily see myself in the general society. I think this is such an amazing space because in my past experiences, I have always been surrounded by only one type of people whether it be race or people with specific thought processes that have a hard time thinking outside of the box. I am a woman who loves diversity of thought and to see an entire space for this to be encouraged is so wonderful.

If people are interested in getting connected to you, how can they?:  You can search movethefeels on Instagram or Tik Tok!

Anything else you would like us to know?: I am grateful that this space has been created to help Scholars of Color know we all exist and to help us all push the boundaries of knowledge. I think a lot of times, we can get bogged down by certain thought processes from our cultures that make it hard to see our nerdy authentic selves as our greatest selves so this space is very much needed.

If you're a person that feels that you weren't given the tools to create ease and flow in your body, I invite you to apply to work with me inside of my program Intentional Movement to help you use movement to connect to YOUR specific and individual emotions. Reach out to movethefeels on Instagram or Tik Tok to learn more!

Thank you Priyanka for sharing space with us!

Stay tuned everyone for more Scholars of Color profiles. Interested in being showcased yourself? Please email the Scholars of Color team at and we will get back to you shortly.

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